PREP Curriculumn for Levels 4 & 5

Levels 4 & 5

“Finding God: Our Response to God’s Gifts” published by Loyola Press integrates the fundamental themes of the “Catechism of the Catholic Church” with Scripture and Catholic Social Teaching. The program is grounded in Scripture, Church Tradition and prayer to inspire and guide a child’s faith formation. It provides an invitation into a way of living in relationship to God, family, parish and neighbor. “Finding God” involves the whole child: mind and heart, body and soul.

Children in Levels 4 & 5 will receive the Sacrament of Reconciliation during PREP class in the fall. Please check the calendar for date.

Level 4 (Usually Grade 4)

PRAYERS: Apostles’ Creed ~ Act of Contrition Download
CALENDARS: Choose your day - Tuesday Thursday Saturday

“Finding God” Level 4 curriculum: Blessed Are the Poor – Beatitudes & The Ten Commandments

Level 5 (Usually Grade 5)

PRAYERS: Rosary/Mysteries ~ Apostles’ Creed ~ Act of Contrition Download
CALENDARS: Choose your day - Tuesday Thursday Saturday

“Finding God” Level 5 curriculum: The Bread of Life – Sacraments & Worship

ACRE TESTING is administered to Level 5 students towards the end of the PREP year. This assessment is used to evaluate the faith knowledge and attitudes of our Level 5 PREP students.