PREP Curriculumn for Special Needs

Special Needs classes are held every Monday in our school from 4:30 to 5:30 PM. Registration is necessary. Please contact the PREP Office at 732-251-1660 for further information.

Children's Catechumenate

For UNBAPTIZED children in Level 3 through Level 7 or who have been baptized as infants, but have no formal religious education and HAVE NOT received their First Eucharist.

These children will attend regular PREP classes on their grade level, and after the first year will be accepted into the Children’s Catechumenate. During the second year, the children will receive additional instruction on Sunday mornings at 9 AM. The PCL and catechist will determine the child’s readiness to receive the initiation sacraments during the Easter season. Parental support, guidance, example and participation are mandatory during the catechumenate process.

Rainbows Program

Rainbows is a support program for children (Pre-K through 8th grade) who have suffered a significant loss in their lives, either through death or divorce.

The purpose of Rainbows is to provide children with an opportunity to meet new friends who have shared similar experiences, while trained, caring adults help the children in a safe environment to sort through and understand their grief. This program will also help the children come to a healthy acceptance of what has happened in their family.

There are two six-week semesters with a “wrap-up” day at the end of each semester. For more information, call Dr. Pat Colontino at 732-470-5839.