Parish Council
President: Maryann Donahue
Chairperson: Jen Pasqua
Chairperson: Vacant
Our goal is to make known events within the Parish and communicate them through the local media.
Evangelization and Faith Formation
Chairpersons: Vacant
Members spread the Good News of Christ by listening, sharing their faith and prayer.
Family Life
Chairperson: Janet Liposky (
The ministry coordinates and organizes fun family events and helps with special Parish functions.
Finance Committee
Chairperson: Bernard Wisniewski
Liturgy Committee
Chairperson: Justin Connors (
The Liturgy Committee consists of the Coordinators of the Liturgical Ministries, Pastor, Priests and Deacons. The Committee meets several times during the year.
The Liturgy Committee meets to provide on-going support and communication of the ministries, to provide feedback, to coordinate activities, programs, and all special liturgies, and to participate in the planning of the liturgical life of the parish. The committee coordinates activities, programs, all special liturgies and participates in the planning of the liturgical life of the parish.
Each liturgical coordinator, appropriately formed and educated, is responsible for the recruitment, training and formation of their ministers. They are required to schedule, evaluate and encourage their ministers.
Religious Education
Director of CCD (PREP): Mrs. Debbie Yesis (
As Catholic parents, it is our obligation to model our faith by what we say and what we do. Our words, actions and attitudes are constantly on display. It is your responsibility as your child’s role model to set a positive example and participate weekly in Sunday Eucharist with your child. Attendance at Mass is our catholic obligation and not an option. This is where we come together as a community to share our beliefs and become the followers of Christ that we are called to be by our Baptism.
School Principal’s Report
Chairperson: Annete Pioppo
Social Ministry
Chairperson: Deacon Patrick W. Hearty (
Youth Ministry
Chairperson: Valeria Romer
The Parish Youth Group participates in weekly meetings, special events, service projects, trips and retreats.