Parish Religious Education Program (PREP)

But to those who did accept Him he gave power to become children of God to those who believe in His name.

John 1:12

Welcome to St. Thomas PREP where we know that God’s love is powerful!

Our focus is on the Mission Statement of our Pastor, Fr. Jay Johnson: “To make disciples, as we know, love and serve God and one another.” This statement refers to Jesus’ desire to make each one of us His followers. By being called, formed and sent by Jesus. He invites us to use our gifts, talents and our entire lives to love and serve Him and each other.

PREP Staff

Mrs. Andrea MadonnaParish Catechetical Leader(732) 251-1660
Ms. Juliette MaloneYouth Minister(732) 251-1660
Mrs. Terri CutroneAdministrative Assistant
Mrs. Suzanne TaureckSecretary