Empowering God's Children

A program for children, each lesson includes a grade-appropriate video component along with learning activities. The material is designed to better equip your child to know their safety rights, recognize their boundaries, and to empower them to protect themselves when safe adults are not immediately available—and ultimately be safer from people who might want to harm them.

As we partner together in delivering this content to youth, there are two especially helpful resources to assist in delivering the lessons. These resources are provided to our Lesson Leaders (which include you as parents, along with the persons delivering the content per the organization). First, the Teaching Boundaries and Safety Guide, which equips safe adults to facilitate an ongoing safety dialogue, and the Lesson Leader Orientation and Certification Module, give you better insight about conducting the lessons. Please communicate directly with your local or diocesan coordinator to gain access to each of these specific resources. Following the lesson, we encourage you to continue reinforcing the message at home whenever possible.


2024-2025 Lessons

For the 2024-2025 PREP year, our students will be taught the following two safe environment lessons:

Lesson 1: Physical Boundaries: Safe and Unsafe Touching Rules

Students learn simple rules about what to do and how to react when someone’s touch is confusing, scary, or makes the child or young person feel uncomfortable. Young people start to deal with the real risks they face when they are out in the world and on their own, and they begin to learn where to draw boundary lines in relationships.

Lesson 2: Adults, Safe Touches and Special Safe Adults

Children, young people, and their parents establish basic guidelines for working together to make certain which friends and other adults in their environment can be trusted to act safely and in the best interest of each child or young person.

The lesson plans include a grade-appropriate video component along with a hands-on activity. The material is designed to better equip your child to know their rights, recognize their boundaries, and to empower them to protect themselves when safe adults are not immediately available—and ultimately be safer from people who might want to harm them.


Before teaching the lessons, please review the following important resources:

Program Overview

The overview provides support to parents in educating children about preventing sexual abuse.


Teaching Boundaries and Safety Guide

This booklet is a primary resource that assists parents with anticipating common questions and situations that occur in the safety lessons and diffuses fears.


Lesson Plans

Please click on the following Lesson Plans with embedded YouTube video links to watch with your child(ren) for their specific grade level:

Grades 1-2 Grades 3-5 Grades 6-8
Lesson 1 Lesson 1 Lesson 1
Lesson 2 Lesson 2 Lesson 2

NOTE: All lessons must be completed by December 5, 2024.

Once you have completed both lessons for your child’s grade level, please complete and return the required Diocesan Acknowledgment Form (complete one for each child), email to amadonna@saintthomasob.com or send into the PREP Office by December 5.