Regular Mass Schedule

Monday - Friday 8:00am, 12:15pm*
Saturday 4:00pm* Vigil
Sunday 8:00am*, 10:00am*, 12:00pm*


* You do not need to have a Facebook account to watch the live-stream! Simply click on link.


Saturday 12:30pm in the front sacristy

Communal Penance Services are held during Lent and Advent with a number of visiting clergy present to assist with individual confessions.

Office Hours

Monday, Wednesday, Friday 9:00am-4:00pm
Tuesday, Thursday 9:00am-7:00pm
Saturday, Sunday 10:30am-1:30pm

Welcome to St. Thomas the Apostle

"To make disciples as we know, love and serve God and one another."

Whatever your status in the Church, whatever your family/marital situation, whatever your religious affiliation, whatever your personal history, age, background, race or color, sexual orientation, you are invited, welcomed, accepted, loved and respected at our Catholic Community of Saint Thomas the Apostle.

Online Giving is Available Now

Here at St. Thomas the Apostle, we encourage you to be Christian Stewards, using everything God has given you — time, talent, treasure — to serve Him gratefully.

Mass & Worship Times

Come worship with us at St. Thomas the Apostle.

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Bulletin & Events

Stay informed with parish events and get involved.

Read the Bulletin

Religious Education - PREP

RE programs for children grades 1 - 8. Register today.

Find Out More


All proceeds support Saint Thomas the Apostle Parish School.

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Upcoming Events

St. Ignatius of Loyola Retreat

Please join Fr. John Rozembajgier, JCL for an informational meeting on the Introduction to the Jesuit Spiritual Exercises of St. Ignatius of Loyola either at 2:00-4:00pm or 7:00-9:00pm.


Mass Intentions for 2026

Mass Book 2026 opening today.

Please note that each family can have a total of 3 masses. One weekend mass and two weekday masses.


Worldwide Marriage Encounter

Looking for the perfect Christmas gift for your spouse?
Why not give yourselves a Marriage Encounter Weekend?


Liturgy of the Word for Children

Children will process out of the Church to the Chapel where they will hear the readings, discuss, sing and pray on their level.


Deacons Table

We will be distributing dinners to take home.

Come pick up your spaghetti dinner at St. Thomas the Apostle Church.

Youth Group Meeting

Are you between grades 7-12? Do you want to give back to your community, learn about your faith, and have a place to meet enthusiastic like-minded peers?


Retrouvaille - A Lifeline for Married Couple

Retrouvaille is a Lifeline to help couples heal and renew their marriages. Sponsored by the Office of Family Life, Diocese of Metuchen, NJ.


Daily Readings

Eucharistic Revival

Bishop James Checchio shares the importance of starting each day by spending time with Jesus in the Eucharist.

Interested in learning more about the National Eucharistic Revival? Visit our website:,