What to Know for Mass on June 12

06-05-2020Pastor's LetterRev. Jerome A. Johnson

Dear Parishioners,

Starting Friday, June 12, 2020, the restoration of Masses with a congregation will begin. Please check our website for the latest details as they are changing constantly.

Weekday Masses will be celebrated at 12:15pm and will be limited to 25 people. Weekend Masses will be celebrated Saturday, at 4:00pm, Sunday, at 10:00am* and 12:00pm. They will be limited to 90 people, sitting socially distant as state guidelines demand. Restrooms will NOT be available.

Masses will continue to be live-streamed through our Facebook page and through youtube.com for those who cannot attend Mass in person. The Eucharist will be distributed to those who would like to receive in the lot after the 12:00pm Mass.

The dispensation of the obligation to attend Mass remains in affect until further notice.

All attendees in the lot must remain in their cars at all times. Communion will not be distributed to anyone outside the vehicle. Attendees must keep their cars closed with all windows, doors, sunroofs and the like must all be closed, masks must be worn if cars are closer than 6 feet apart.

All cars must face the church doors, and will be directed by the police when Communion begins. When your car reaches the vested clergy, you open window, extend hands, receive in the hand only, remove mask and consume the Host. No gloves should be worn receiving the Host. There will be clergy on both sides of the car. The clergy will be masked and hand sanitizer will be used for their protection. As usual, please keep a spirit of reverence when receiving the Eucharist as we do in church.

Exit the parking lot safely after receiving Communion.

This is a temporary situation and we look forward to the day we can return to celebrating as we have in the past. May our Lord continue to bless you all!

*Please note the change in Mass time.